SIESCOMS has associated with various organization for training & development Program which will benefit both the faculty & students. The institute has also signed MOU with little organization for internships & placements of Management & Technology students. Some of the few are listed below:
MOU's International
The University of Findlay
Katowice School of Economics, Poland
University of Dubai
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Putra Business School
Management Development Institute of Singapore
Jan Wyzykowski University, Poland
Capella University, USA
University of Pitesti,Romania
The Faculty of Economics and Law,University of Pitesti, Romania
Valahia University
University of Economics,Varna,Bulgaria
ATMA JAYA CATHOLIC University of Indonesia
University of South Carolina
MOU's National
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
Care Rating
CII- Institute of Logistics
The Chartered Insurance Institute
Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI): CCRT