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To Be One Of The Preferred Business Schools In India


  • To provide an education that equips students with knowledge, skills and attitude that meets industry expectations.
  • To develop critical thinking and innovative skills through experiential learning, applied research and mentoring.
  • To instil and nurture sense of ethics and values in students. 
  • To impart leadership and collaborative skills with high professional competence




Strive To Instill A Strong Sense Of Passion In Our Students. A Passion Towards Life At Large And Every Act Attached Towards Living A Holistic And Wholesome Life


Endeavor To Sustain Faith And Loyalty In All The Decisions That Govern The Overall Execution Of Task


Be Sensitive To The Society Around Us And Act Responsibly And Own Up To Our Actions


Conduct Ourselves In A Fair, Honest And Transparent Manner


Have A Sense Of Thankfulness And Compassion Towards The Benevolence Of Life


Believe Whatever Heights One May Reach In Life, Modesty And Unassuming Nature Are The True Hallmarks Of A Management Professional


Aim To Be Outstanding And Brilliant In Our Work. We Ensure That We Continue To Ensure Perfection In All The Tasks We Undertake


Give Due Recognition To The Identity Of Each Individual We Interact With And Value Their Dignity, Existence And Purpose Of Life
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