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SIESSBS is a part of South Indian Education Society which was established with the following motto-

"This Society should sincerely serve the cause of education and the educational needs of the common man of this cosmopolitan city"

The South Indian Education Society (SIES) is one of the oldest educational societies in India. Founded in 1932 by Shri M.V. Venkateshwaran with a modest six-student beginning, SIES has grown to become a conglomerate of various institutions with over 15,000 students under its wing. In the process of imparting quality education, SIES has established High Schools, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, SIES College of Management Studies, Centre for Excellence in Management Research and Development (CEMRD), SIES School of Packaging, SIES Indian Institute of Environment and SIES Graduate School of Technology (an Engineering institute). Two ventures of a different nature added to the SIES family are, SIES Sri ChandrasekarendraSaraswathi Veda Pathashala and SIES Seniors' Home. And the story of our achievements & Milestones continues...

1932 SIES High School

1960 SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion West

1980 SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education, Sion West

1989 SIES College of Commerce and Economics, Sion East

1995 SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul

1998 SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Nerul

1999 SIES Indian Institute of Environment Management, Nerul

2002 SIES School of Packaging, Nerul

2002 SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul

2003 SIES Veda Pathashala, Nerul

2003 SIES Senior’s Home, Nerul

2014 SIES ISR Project I (Village adoption- Kathwadi by SIES SION)

2015 SIES ISR Project II (Village adoption- Kahirpada by SIESCOMS)

2017 SIES (Dr APJ Abdul Kalam) Memorial High School

2020 SIES School of Business Studies, Nerul

2022 SIES School of Learning and Leadership Development

Future Projects

SIES Incubation Centre

SIES School of Pharmaceutical Studies

SIES College of Physiotherapy

SIES College of Nursing

SIES School of Law

SIES School of Foreign Language


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